Saturday 23 August 2008

Nicole, The Day After The Night Before

'Get Nicole Out'

WOW the crowd are so original but at least they were spot on with the moody teen of BB going out last night. Hardly likely to be wrong with bookies offering odds of 1/200! So let me get that right - I would have to find £200 pounds to get a £1 back? £200 in the world of Rex and Nicole or Rexole is the value of one Jimmy Choo shoe and that is exactly what I'd like to throw at that horrid spoilt brat.

But did she deserve the boos and Rex's comment that he found he found the reception funny? 
No, I don't think she did, but then again the British public are a fickle bunch and Rex is a bastard who is abusing Nicole's immaturity. She's certainly getting her own back on her ginger master with her teenage tantrums. The interview with Davina saw Nicole very nearly close to tears and I was left asking why not bloody cry? That's all you did all the time you were in the house! Oh, you've left now Nicole, haven't you, no more cameras and no reason to make Rex look bad. Time for your inerview with Davina and time for you to look good and say how you were never able to be able to be you (again). And when Davina tried to get you Nicole to talk about Lisa and Sara and how the last week was for them too, you managed not to hear that and talked about YOU again. In fact you loved talking about you and when Davina told you/showed you your disgraceful behaviour towards Mikey, you managed to turn that around to talk about how he was nasty to YOU.

Never mind Nicole. I'm sure Mummy and Daddy are very proud of you; the credit card will be topped up as a reward for channel four showing a total misrepresentation of you (In their view of course). I bet you are nothing like that really?

Rex's Sordid Sexual Trans-Atlantic Sandwich

How much to see ones tuppence. 

What did Rex Newmark eat while on his hols to Vegas?

Sunday 27 July 2008

Back From My Hols And BEX Has GONE!!!!

How dare the British public?

I do not understand those who voted but obviously they are demented and are now back in their asylums.

"Brilliant" Was how Rebecca described her time in da house and she was brilliant. My opinion on her swayed from one week to the next and while I was away sunning myself in sunny France, (yes it actually was sunny over that little splat of sea we call the Channel); I have kept up via the internet on my little mobile and OK.....not the best way to view BB but it was the only way. I have to have a couple of weeks away each year and it is such a shame that BB interrupts my time in such a cruel way - DAMN IT!!! But I digress, with Bex gone, what do we have? Stu is now head of house - an idea nabbed from American BB and sorry its BORING. 

I fear that the Bell of Bex has sounded and with her booming voice and buxom handfuls, the end of Big Brother is nigh. 

Where is the excitement? Waiting for something new is the answer we fans want and we are not getting. I feel that even if I had not been able to access the internet, I would not have missed anything. - Oh except for Bex going that is. 

Thursday 10 July 2008

Back After A Small Break

Been off-line for a week - Must have caught Butch's strain of flu?

Now back with an Apple Macbook Pro and all it's gadgetry and recovering from my week long enforced 'Blog break'.

While I've been away so much has happened and it is not just 'Cookie' who has had view changes on certain people. Mario has changed in my estimation from being a egotistical idiot at the start to a not so bad bloke a couple of weeks ago, to a jumped up turd now.......Amazing how throwing in a treble Belinda can upset the HIS apple cart isn't it?

Thursday 3 July 2008

Lisa Get's Rabbit Flu And Survives

"My rabbit died of myxomatosis" said Lisa, then adding, "I thought I had it too as I caught a cold the following week"............

Eerie silence filled the room...............................

"What symptoms did you have?" Replied a stunned Tangio

"A cold" the butch one responded, expecting some sympathy and support........

More eerie silence filled the room.........

Wednesday 2 July 2008

Zoo Task Photo Special

Dr Tangio-Mario Dolittle and his Zoo of animals.

We have Dale and Rex the boxing kangaroos who worked so hard.

And the tired hungry bunny wabbits Darnell and Mohamed too.

Then on to the 'Go-Gos' as my little girl once called them Butch and Sexpot who played their parts well.

A two-headed llama, one happy head was Rachel and the other happy head was Kat; neither head grew angry or sad. Both heads ALWAYS HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!

The forgetful elephants of Mikey and Luke

were.......forgetful and blue.

And last but not least the Bexie Pollard and Alpha Bitch (not for long) Jen seals were ......


And Jen was very unhappy but then again she is NEVER happy.

Zoo-per, They Passed

No need for Luke to moan about lentils and chick peas as the housemates have passed yet another task! That makes it three in a row now and they are on a roll.

Big Brother turned the house into a zoo with each animal team being allowed three fails.

The two-headed llama and the flamingos incurred no fails.

The rabbits incurred only two fails.

The kangaroos passed their boxing task with flying colours -- Dale increased his strength by 10.2 per cent, and Rex improved by a MASSIVE 12.8 per cent.

The 'Welcome to the Jungle' dancing part had two fails. Rex had a go at Mo, accusing him of not dancing, but Dale and happy Rachel were quick to point out the task was PASSED so shut up.

Michael and Luke disproved the theory that elephants remember everything: they incurred a staggering146 fails on their memory task.
"Yeah!" cheered Luke, with Rachel supportive telling the boys, "Well tried." Typical teacher - What would she have said if they had really screwed up? Oh they did!

Finally it was Mario and the seals, who had been worrying all day. NO FAILS.

The housemates then went crazy, as overall it equalled a pass and the happy housemates are now looking forward to kangaroo, carrots, fresh fish and llama in the luxury hamper....
Picture special in the next blog entry.

Ooooh Lisa! You Bi4tch

In a private conversation with her bulked up partner, Butch Lisa has made it clear she wants Jennifer to be leaving on Friday

During one of their usual gossipy chats, at 3.20pm today, Butch was heard telling Tangio her true feelings towards the whiny model who she voted for eviction yesterday.

She said: "Jen is constantly seeking attention like a naughty child and it can get really wearing."
Butch went on to say: "I'll miss Rex if he goes. He's been in many ways a godsend because of his cooking. He's said nothing offensive to me and he keeps his cool.
"I think we're honoured to have someone who runs an exclusive restaurant."
But remember she never had a problem with Alex! Although I tend to agree with her this time and it would be great to see Jennifer's face when she see's just how unpopular she really is.

Tangio said it would be interesting for the house to finally find out who was really to blame for the escalating argument last week, which led to Dennis being kicked out for spitting in Mohamed's face. Yes Tangio, I think you will definitely find that the public are solidly AGAINST Jen but whether that means they support Mohamed is another thing? I am beginning to see that man in a different light and it is not a nice white gleaming clean one........