Tuesday 1 July 2008

And What Is Sylvia Saying Now?

"Oh Dennis is my hero" that's what she's saying!

And why?

Sylvia Barrie, who escaped civil war in Sierra Leone so knows all about the dangers of war should be able to spot a real hero a mile off claims Dennis McHugh fits her criteria. Oh dear, I guess we all make some odd choices at times and Sylvia has made the strangest choice here.

"He literally put himself - and his position in the house - on the line. So my feelings towards him will never change. [REALLY?]
"I was just upset that my best friend was taken out of the house - I was devastated."
She adds, "It was a case of something that spiralled out of control. I actually did think there would be a fight." [WHAT? DID I MISS THAT BIT OR WAS THAT WHEN BEX STEPPED IN TO STIR THINGS UP?]

Nice, honest (roll eyes) Sylvia called Mohamed a "perv".
This is the Mohamed she claimed asked her to pretend to be a couple while they were in the house. Mo would NEVER think of that - He's to interested in what's for dinner!
Sylvia claimed, "We were playing a game of Truth or Dare and Mohamed said he had a dream about me. I felt sick."
"I didn't find it funny at all. I just think he's a perv. Even just the way he looks at me sometimes.
"I just think, 'Oh stop it, I don't fancy you. Stop it!'"

So that's all from Sylvia, her 15 minutes of fame have finished and she's now off to join other forgotten past housemates down the dole queue.

Meanwhile Dennis has scurried back to Scotland with his head in his hands thoroughly ashamed of his actions so why Sylvia thinks he is such a hero is probably beyond him too.

"I'm ashamed of what I did and I totally regret it. I am sorry for what happened. 'I'm bitterly disappointed. I am just looking forward to getting back home to my family now.
"It's been a tough few days, but I need time to rest before I can move on from this. "I need to get my head around everything that has happened."

Dennis still insists he did not spit at Mohamed, but just made a spitting motion which of course is why Mo had to wash his face? I will never understand that bit as whatever the case it was threatening and Dennis's actions were inexcusible.

Dennis's mother Linda Anderson, stood by her son and must have been watching a different show as she feels Mo provoked him? She said: "People have their own opinions of Dennis, but he was provoked and intimidated by Moahemd (she can't spell his name) most of the time."

I have not seen ANY provocation at all and unless it has been when the sound dips are on? Or maybe Mo eating all the food and is provocation?
Talk about standing by your family......

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