Tuesday 1 July 2008

Is HE?

Here's just one of the photos circulating of Dale and unknown (for now) male at a gay club.

Rumours have been going around for a couple of weeks now and I've been refusing to believe ANYTHING and I still do.


Maybe the 'Triangle' could be more exciting than we first realised especially if there are some hot pics of Stuart with his pet toy poodle Trixie!!!

More on this as I find out but it seems certain low-market publications are apparently sitting on pictures of Dale having his face eaten off by another man.

This is one of THREE men trying to sell his story to the tabloids but only has hard, (excuse the pun) evidence.

We shall see.....we shall see......

And a ps: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Dl0Qz0LpEAo Dale supposedly confideing in Jen but why confide in Jen. But why then carry on with an act that he fancies her and she is worried about him fancying her? Neither are good enough at acting!

PPS I still cannot get over how Dale closed his eyes and seemed to be so happy when he held Darnell close to him the night of the bust up over the painting. And Darnell is enjoying spending way too much time with Dale?
Is two and two adding up to five?

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