Tuesday 1 July 2008

"I Was Just Snarling And Steam Was Coming Out My Ears", Yeah But....

.....Said Bexie Pollard.
When Alex left, Sylvia attempted to replace that role of bitch of the house. The only problem was that Sylvia was not as intelligent, was not no where near as malicious and could never maintain any level of bombardment upon her fellow housemates compared to her predecessor

We now have version three in place - Bexie Pollard the least intelligent of the three who has got her baps out at every opportunity and seen this as her greatest achievement...Hmmmm.

Bex is incredibly simplistic, immature and see's everything as black and white. 'Bex's world' is where we all have fun on her terms. She has a fantastic time but you may not always enjoy yourself. Yesterday she smothered Mo with sun cream and then later defaced the belt she made for his birthday. I'm left asking myself are all females from Coventry like this because if so it is best to avoid that part of the country. OK I know she's young but come on! Is this entertainment?

We all know why Rebecca is acting in this way. She has seen Sylvia go and is thinking about her own place in the house, what has she got to do to stay and how she has to play her own game. It is better to be a Charley (Bex is NO CHARLEY mind you) than be boring.

She's a naughty minx who thinks she is attempting to keep the house interesting, never the less, I'm not so sure if what she is doing is working? I was hoping that Bex's role within the house would develop and only last Friday I was saying she was growing on me; my feelings have changed - I CAN'T STAND HER!

She is irritating, frustrating, annoying and a pain in the proverbial. This 'fun house' means Bex being stupid and acting like a four year old. However all I have seen so far is a spoilt wannabe sitting groaning and moaning, "I want to live in a fun house" - Who is she moaning with? Jennifer! They sit and whinge while the other HMs get on and enjoy themselves.
The Coventry lass is now shit hot favourite to go this week and I would not be at all surprised. I am in two minds whether I want her to be out as I find her games with Luke funny to watch and she's already driving him insane. - Let's watch him become the 'real Luke' because he is always saying that everyone else is not themselves yet Luke is a duplicate version of himself without all the faculties.

Could Bex be released on Friday? If she behaves like an idiot all week I may well switch off. There is still time for her to ensure her fun is good fun and potentially she could make the brilliant housemate I thought she was turning into. We do not all want stupidity which only a small child will enjoy and that is my problem with her. - Remember Rebecca, Big Brother is an adult show, Alex told us that......

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