Monday 30 June 2008

Darnell Shoots The Breeze While Dale Sneaks A Snooze

There was an honest Monday early morning chat for Darnell this morning who is worrying about nominations.

Only problem was that he was talking to Dale who is a beautiful boy to look at but is a bit like a goldfish when it comes to information; in can only take in small chunks and it is likely he will forget what he is told within a few moments. The gorgeous one looked shattered and was attempting to take in as much of what Darnell was telling him -Let's hope Darnell does not test him in the morning.

What is nice is that he is beginning to move away from Jen, - although he is STILL stying to imitate Stuart with his rough un-kempt look facial look that actually takes a lot of time and care. He's still trying to make his muscles look greater than his rivals, however this is going to be an impossibility even if he was to stay till the end!

So Dale and Darnell, chewing the fat or should I say eating the pizza and talking about such things as "is a rash just a bunch of spots?" (A question from DARNELL to Dale) and I thought Darnell was the brighter one? And other more serious items were on the agenda such as the 'happy' house and who Darnell liked to hang about with.

It seems Dear Darnell loves his muse cookie crazy Kat but she also bores him. He needs the likes of Dale, Sylvia and Dennis (may they RIP so to speak), and Bex to keep him smiling and Bex's comments that the the house is not a happy house are bugging him.

"It is US that make this house a happy house". Darnell protested before going on to moan about the moaning "I'm not part of a group and I hate all the soap opera - It's like Day's of Our Lives!"
Darnell also craves a fellow American especially since his bust (no pun intended) with Bex. It is looking like any romance is off the cards with her and an American woman, "would understand", said poor Darnell who sometimes feels left out in deep conversations about Coronation Street.

Darnell is not pretending to be something he is not and that is why I like him. I can be a bit of a dick at times and I cringe at his stupidity but then he is a man......and they can all be a bit daft at times to varying levels of stupidity. Darnell is still my fav to win and even if he is up for nomination which I believe he will be, there is no way he is going anywhere.

I predict REX and DARNELL, possibly MOHAMED will be up for eviction.

Sunday 29 June 2008


I actually watched Little Brother today and Zezi was as abysmal as usual. [Pictured here in one of her fabulous new outfits] George was there with his bow toes as usual and Sylvia was STILL on the show as usual except on the other side of the house.

The question which I ask myself too: "What sort of housemate would you bring into the house?" Is a good one and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE it if a sexy woman was introduced. Not because my lesbian tendencies are suddenly raging but because it would throw Jennifer into a state of flux and terror. Stuart's eyes would immediately dart over to the new sexy babe and her delusions that she's the queen of all she surveys would be over.

Who do you think should be entering the house? Should it be another sexy stud muffin with or without a brain or another 'Kat' and her cookies? Who has now turned into one! BB producers will bring in somebody shortly, it is just a case of time when it will be....... But who? what, and when, that is the question????

What do you think?
Could an old HM return?

Post on the comment link and get those feelings out here. You never get through on BBLB, but you will here!

Queen Jennifer Plays With Her Toys

She's a first class bitch that one.........

I can see why BB producers selected her and if the public kick her out I think this blog may have to end as my watching days will be over! That is of course unless BB do not intervene? They have a habit of putting new housemates in to ruffle those in there or to set off new games.

Not only did Jen instigate what happened over her so called masterpiece. Can ANYONE believe she called it that? A MASTERPIECE - More like a piece of crap but there you go. Now the woman is playing off Stuart against Dale and she knows it yet Dale, gorgeous but dim cannot see it.

Last night after the housemates had eaten their Egon Ronay-esque Rex cooked meal, Stuart followed Jen to the bedroom for an intimate chat. "I haven't met 'The One'." said the 'tattooed eyelined' one "There's no point in settling down until I've met 'The One'" So what is he saying then - Is Jen the one - just the one he lusts over just for now?
"What makes the one different from the rest?" asked the confused Jennifer. "Just someone who makes you happy" said the musclebound Stuart.

Meanwhile, dejected Dale visited the Diary Room.
"Hello Big Brother. I just needed to get away from being in the house. It's been shit today" poor ikkle Dale said.
"I thought Jen and I had one of the strongest bonds in the House and now she's obviously sharing her problems with someone else. The whole competing for affection thing or to see who gets a girl is pretty bad. I don't know what to do. I can't go in to the bedroom if it's just them two."
"Sometimes I speak to Jennifer and we have a good laugh and at other times she's in a mood with me for no reason,"
he went on....... "It seems like I'm competing with Stuart. To be honest I didn't come into the House for a girl. It's annoying that it seems to be going that way. The love triangle strikes again, it would appear."

All together now.......Urrgghhhhhhh (or Ahhhhhh) depending on your opinion. I like Dale as a body and I feel for him as he has lost his heart to the Alpha Bitch. (I say bitch as in the Queen of the females not as in a complete cow of course - don't i????). Body language speaks volumes and as you can see, we all know that Jen and Dale make a great couple, yet
Jen is only interested in what she can get.
Wonder what Jen has in store for him today? A lead and collar probably.

Saturday 28 June 2008

No Further Action.......At Least For Dennis

Dirty Dennis McHugh has been questioned by police today after spitting in Mo Mohamed's face. His actions led to him quite rightly being booted from the house in a white dressing gown and his horrid green shorts.

The revolting little man who teaches kids to dance and hopefully not to spit! was questioned under caution, but no further action will be taken at this stage. He was not arrested but did not attend a police station after the argument which escalated after much cider was consumed.

Dennis admitted making a spitting action but claimed that nothing came out of his mouth. So what was Mo wiping off his face? I presume just the rancid trolls smelly breath.....Grrrr Oooooh The whole incident made me scream at the TV last night. It was all Jennifer's instigation and she is to blame for the whole thing and to watch her go from "Oh I'm so upset and my heart is breaking coz I lost my best friend and if Sylvia goes I won't want to stay anymore in this horrible house" - TO "Oooo Dale there was soooo mooch bitching going on and we were never part of that and at least now we can show we were not and move away from it." What's she saying about her two BEST FRIENDS then?

To end this blog entry though let's just add; a Hertfordshire police spokeswoman said: "Officers have now spoken with a 23-year-old man from Edinburgh in connection with an alleged incident. He was spoken to under caution, and at this stage no further action has been taken."Officers will speak with the potential complainant as and when he leaves the house at some point in the future."

If he sparks of those sorts of arguments then maybe he's worth keeping???????

Video of spitting incident:

Friday 27 June 2008

Police to Quiz Alex

Could this be true?

Yes it seems those gangsta threats have gone to far now and Miss De-Gale (Who has been taken unde Mr Clifford's wing) - so expect this to be in all the tabloids whether it is true or not as no news is bad news.

No further information yet but I'll add more tomorrow (SATURDAY) from her neighbours on what it is like now she is home and from the local Croydon Muslims........

Yes, keep coming back.

90.2% Sly's Interview Wit Davina

Hugs from everyone then

Sylvia shouted “Thank you” and waved to the awaiting crowd and took it in her stride as she walked down the stairs. Was it nervous laughter? Probably. There were chants from the crowds of “Get Sylvia out” as the ousted contestant was led to her interview by Davina

The interview starts with the NINE evictions which are all shown to the evicted one. She’s not happy with Luke and Darnell. “I thought they were my friends” She exclaimed! Must add here that normally the exit interview audience are a well behaved bunch, this lot clapped in general but there were boos too. Oh dear Sly….

Next onto Stuart; “It was pure lust and am ashamed”. "Boyfriend!” Someone shouts someone from the audience. “Ex”, shouts another. “I know, I got lost in the moment”. “If Stu had responded in a positive way what would have happened?” – "Nothing" says Sylvia……Flying pig goes past the window as I speak.
Sly then waffles on about Jen being suited to Dale yeah, yeah boring.

Onto Dennis’s removal now and how did Sylvia feel about this? “Jen and I were devastated” madam claimed. “He was my best friend and I was shattered but I understand why he had to go.” Good that got that bit cleared up for those who didn’t quite understand.

Davina wanted to know if Sly really did hate Rex and Mo? Apparently it’s all an act. “Rex can be really lovely but he is controlling” Sylvia said. “Mo eats sleep, does not flush the chain and experiments in the kitchen” What? Experimenting in the kitchen after going to the toilet and NOT flushing the chain? Errgghhhhhhh! Think we need to get Mario to give Mo a health and safety talk.

So what about your time in the house Mo? “Amazing, fantastic, I was being myself and had a blast” Oh good. “ Would you change anything?” Said Davina “NO” And who do you want to win – "Dale"……NOT Jennifer? ….hmmmmmmm interesting?

So it’s bye bye Sly and who’s to go next?

Tonight’s show proved that the argument was pointless and although we know there was editing involved, Jen manipulated that situation badly and male egos took over.

Sly Slithers Out Too

Shut the door on ya way out.
Say good bye to Jen,
Blow Stu a kiss.
Be prepared for a few BOOOOOOOOOOOOOS
And a few nominations...........
At least now you can spend some quality bitching time with Dennis.........Oh you've done that already!

And He's OUT

He was removed in a white dressing gown and flip flops but gone out of that place he has.

Housemate Dennis McHugh has been removed from the Big Brother House for uunacceptable behaviour.

After the argument last night at around 12.45am this morning (27th June), During the argument Dennis spat in the face of fellow housemate, Mohamed.

QUOTE BB "Big Brother intervened immediately to break up the argument. The 'as live' streaming from the house on E4 was cut and no footage was broadcast.
All the housemates involved in the argument were sent to separate bedrooms and kept apart for the rest of the night. Dennis and Mohamed were called separately to the diary room in the early hours to discuss the incident.
After production staff and executives at Channel 4 reviewed the footage this morning, Dennis was called to the diary room a second time at 1:15pm and told he was immediately being removed from the house.
Following Dennis's removal, Big Brother continues to call to the diary room a number of other housemates to discuss their involvement in the argument and remind them of the rules governing housemates' behaviour.
A Channel 4 spokeswoman said:
"Spitting in someone's face is seriously offensive and Mohamed was understandably upset. Big Brother has very clear rules about offensive behaviour. Like all housemates Dennis was clearly informed before entering the house that he faced eviction if he acted in an unacceptable manner."
Viewers will be able to see the incident and how it was handled in tonight's highlights show on Channel 4 at 9pm.
"Tonight's eviction vote, involving Mohamed and Sylvia, will proceed as planned."

Housemates are now discussing the aftermath of Dennis being removed with Jennifer looking noticeably upset.

Mario read out the news to the HMs who had been previously seated on the sofas where, Jennifer shouted: "Let’s hope justice is served. Let’s hope Mohamed goes!” Dale stood up to confront Mohamed, who asked him not to touch him. "If I touch you, you’ll know about it," replied Dale, which prompted Big Brother to call him into the Diary Room and warn him about his aggressive behaviour.

Sylvia has said; "my heart has been ripped out of my chest" during her conversation with Jen where Darnell was also packing some clothes away in Bblock9.

Rex is outside in the pool with Bex explaining that the painting can be fixed as it is "acrylics, it can be repaired" and the reason it flared up was because Jen was upset with being in between Dale and Stuart. Kat and Rachel are also sitting by the pool. Rex feels Bex may have flared things up by having a go at him because he went into apologise to Jen and said they would sort it out in the morning. He thought the argument would finish then.
"Do not tell me what to do" shouted Bex, walking away. "Go and repeat this inside then....." bird sound as usual.....arguments arguments......

Meanwhile in Bblock9 Jen is still talking to Darnell "You should be gone as well Darnell ,your behaviour was terrible last night" Jen is being a complete drama queen and saying she will not dress up tonight, neither will Sylvia. Oh dear she's going to feel a complete tit when she's voted out.

Jen is now saying "REX DESTROYED her picture" and blaming Darnell? Apparently Mo was crying and Darnell was supporting him last night and is saying something about the words 'filthy and vile'. Sylvia is claiming nothing came out of Dennis' mouth when he spat at Mo and that it was Mohamed's fault that he got spat at! Oh that's a good one. Go tell all those criminals in prison that it's not their fault but the people they assaulted/killed/raped etc. Damn cheek. Darnell has given Jen a good piece of his mind and he has grown even higher in my estimations. As said in my earlier entry - He is my Guru.

Too many dips in sound but it sounds like after Mo said "It's only a painting". There is now a discusion in the luxury room and they are talking about an argument between Rex, Dale, Stuart where Mohamed was left feeling frightened he was going to be hit by Dale. This must have been when Darnell stepped in but if Channel 4 keep moving the cameras from each room just when we are reaching the bottom of the argument, we will never solve it. I guess they want us to see THEIR VERSION tonight?

More feedback later. but seems Jen said something not so nice to Mo this morning - No lying more now with no dips in sound. Mo is in kitchen with Stuart her new beau. Mo was telling Stuart that he was not rude to Bex and from what I have heard on the grapevine, Sylvia has used his religion against him saying he has disgraced it! OOOOH I now hope she goes to the chorus of boos.

As for Jen, wait till tonight and then Alpha Queen, you will find out that LISA is really the boss. Ooooh and Jen has just been very sternly called to the Diary Room! ...........

Dennis The Vile Spitting Queen

Diva Dennis is in a whole lot of trouble could be the second contestant to be booted out of the house. At 12.45am, a huge row broke out in the BB house which all started over a smudged painting.

A lot of cider was consumed last night as it was a 'last night' for one of the housemates. Emotions were running very high and this lead to an argument over Jennifer's painting of Stuart which had been hanging on the fridge. Rex smudged it with water to 'make his hair bigger' which then dripped down and smudged the rest of the paint. [ADDING THAT THE CHANNEL 4 SITE HAVE SAID IT WAS PIZZA HOWEVER THEY ARE NOT SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED LATER ANDi AM THINKING COVER UP. PLEASE READ ON]
He was mucking about and with the amount of alcohol drunk everyone took everything the wrong way and Oh my goodness what happened showed some housemates true colours.

12.45am and let's set the scene. We have one picture smudged. Meanwhile Jen had been having one of those evenings going on about herself again and her 'relationships' with Stuart and Dale. She was in the luxury bedroom with Dennis speaking with Lisa and Tangio before finding Dale and finally telling him (again) that she didn't want a relationship in the house with him. Rebecca, Mo, Rex and most of the others were drinking and partying in the main house while Darnell and Sylvia were having a romantic dinner for two (an ever changing token from the shopping list) in a side room.

Jen saw her painting and after having an extremely emotional evening already, this was the straw that broke the Jenny's back so to speak. She ran off to find her new best friend Dennis' shoulder.

"Rex has just completely ruined my picture I did on the fridge." she sobbed "He's gone and smudged it! What's he done that for? He's sitting sniggering, laughing about it."
"What's he done that for? It was my picture I drew, and he's gone and destroyed it."
She then started to ball; "Why would he do that? Why would he be so evil?". "Can you believe that, Dennis?" tears now rolling down her face.
"I can believe it," Dennis told Jennifer solemnly. "Are we going to let it beat us, or are we gonna forget about it?"

Rex came into the bedroom to apologise, but the stupid man kept smirking which annoyed Jen further. "If you're upset, I'm sorry,". "I didn't mean to ruin your painting."
"Yeah, well you have,"
Jennifer shot back. "Just because you're jealous." Of what?

He went on to say; "I honestly didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry Jen, I didn't mean to ruin your painting. But the task is over." [Heard of the word subtle Rex?]
Jen furiously replied, "There was no need for that, I've never done anything in here to upset you like that. You wouldn't be able to do that in an art gallery, I would never ruin something that you had created ... I would never stick my fingers in your food. I wanted to keep that and you destroyed something that I did. I didn't deserve that at all."

You then had the back and forths of the HMs who wanted to see what was going and most were supporting Jen. With Alpha femal Jen firmly in top bitch position from her repeatative "But you're just jealous" argument with Rex.
In the lounge, Luke is sitting originally with Kat and Rachel and tells then Rex has smeared pizza on the painting but Rachel corrects him and says Rex he wet his finger and was trying to make the hair bigger. They go off to jon Queen Jen.
Rex has gone off to bed in Bblock 9 where Mo tells him, "you know your gonna be targetted next week now don't you?" Mo hear a loud bang on either the door or window, jumps up and says "OH FucK" (Ad break). When they come back Bex, who has always been in Jen's gang is went to confront Rex in the. "She's crying her fucking eyes out in there you wanker, you're such a dickhead!" Stu also added his bit and told Rex that he was "out of order". Kat, who was herself upset over the row and had stayed with Jen, told the alpha female that she didn't think Rex meant to damage it (ah cookie love)and Rachel then warned a fuming Dale about not doing anything he'd regret. She told him not to "kick off".
"It's only a painting," Mohamed protested, only for the other housemates to turn on him, with Dennis shouting in his face.

At this point E4 cut all live coverage for nearly an hour and during that time, Mo and Dennis had a heated face to face argument with Dennis SPITTING in Mo's face!

When coverage came back on, Dennis was saying to the other housemates; "Mo got up in my face and said 'Don't tell me to shut up' and that's when I spat at him in his face. If I'm removed, I'm removed ... everyone's gonna get pulled in one by one tomorrow."

At 2am, Dennis said that the argument happened just when everyone was starting to get to know each other and work together. No, that is just your clique Dennis! Dale cuddled Jen while others gathered around Dennis and offered support. Dennis repeated that if he's chucked out, so be it. "I'm a good person, I stand up for what's right" he said. We shall see in the morning Dennis.

In the house, Mario told Mo, "You can hold your head up, Mohamed, you didn't retaliate" BB then called Mo to the Diary Room but had no idea what to say; "I have no idea what to say!" Yeah I just said that Mo.....

Darnell my new favourite of the week commented, "Dennis has messed up and knows it. He's so dangerous" My guru then threw out this comment, "that Dennis has all the girls under his thumb".

At 2.30am, Mo got some water in the kitchen and then went back into the diary room. He emerged again at about 2.55am. He said that Big Brother told him, "This night's not over." and that everyone is going to be called into the diary room to give their version of events.

Big Brother producers then started calling housemates to the diary room one by one to get their version of events. They say that they will decide Dennis' fate THIS MORNING (Friday 27/6/08)

A Big Brother spokeswoman told the Daily Star that, "Around 12.45am a verbal argument took place between a number of housemates. During that argument Dennis allegedly spat at Mohamed. Big Brother immediately intervened and separated the housemates into their bedrooms, where they will remain until the morning. Big Brother is currently talking to each of the housemates individually and reviewing the situation before deciding if any appropriate action is required."
What do you think? Channel four are not saying on their main BB site about the spitting incident - WHY? Cover up?

Post a comment..........


Time for a weekly catch up.

OK GO - The task was passed and Luke has been saved from starvation. More on him in a separate blog entry as I need a good moan. That boy is truly driving me crazy. As for the task itself; I'm actually of the school of thought that found it a good 'un. I found Dale quite hot in his clashing red trousers and orange shirt. Rex looked like a turd but would have looked like an idiot in whatever he wore.

We have had the 'love square' with Sly old Sylvia loving everyone. Jen has played her game brilliantly by playing Dale along and ealier this week even making him believe he may have a chance. When she thought Sylvia realistically fancied him she looked relieved to be let off the hook only to be left disappointed when she found out Sylvia was joking. You could hear in her voice that tone of near tears - Oh if only the public would use their brains and keep her in but they will not. They will keep in the boring one who sits, sleeps, farts and eats......great.

What else has happened this week. Ah yes finally the jail has been used more for what BB producers said it would be used for. Practically everyone apart from Kat has been locked up there and she should be for her awful singing. - I wish she would sut up! Everytime I turn on to BB all I can hear is "Cookie love, Cookie love" or "When the saints go marching in" Please shut up Kat, it sounds as if someone is strangling a 'kat' and if this is the aim she's doing well. It is not my cup of tea.

Mario/Tangio and Lisa/Butch are still the Grandma and Grandpa of the house with Tangio driving me crazy with his health and safety comments and over exageration of how many people he now manages. It started at the beginning with 200 people and is now 500. By the end of the series it will be at a million. The funny thing is that the gruesome twosome are growing on me and I have no idea why? I can't stand the snogging and I am so pleased that BB has decided to stop showing them fumbling under the covers. I think they realise we do not want to see them. It is repulsive! They are not much older than me however it is still like watching my parents.
Luke, he has shown his colours with Darnell and Rachel seeing him for who he is (hooray). Jennifer is Jennifer(boring); Dale is just a face and body which I still like and do NOT want to see removed any time soon and if he is up for eviction there will be a Mutteroo campaign to keep him in. Bex is also growing on me, it is her tantrums and sulks that at first annoyed me and if she lived with me I would tell he to go to her room and not come down till she could behave. But what fun to keep her with those housemates - Ha ha. Rex is a sly bugger and beginning to show his true colours. Still think he's boring but we shall see. irritating Scottish gay man and I feel sorry for Scotland and gay men for the misrepresentation he is causing. Dennis out please he not doing anything bar gossip. [AS I WENT TO LOOK UP PHOTOS I DISCOVERED 'SPITGATE' AND PUT THIS ON EDIT. MY OPINIONS MAY HAVE CHANGED ON SOME HMs SINCE THIS ENTRY] Stuart, we shall see on that one. Great body though, shame about the face. Mo...zzzzzzzzzzzz. And as for Mikey? Great Diary Room entries but otherwise, waste of a place.

Fav this week - Darnell

Thursday 26 June 2008

Zezi Ifore!

I'm sorry but I can hold off no more

The girl is an imbecile, a liability and a bloody awful TV presenter who is constantly looking for an autocue for a show that runs on spontaneity.

Now I am of the school of thought that felt Big Brother's Little Brother WAS Dermott O'Leary and the show should have been gracefully put to sleep when he stepped down - Or should I say was offered more money by Simon Cowell to move over to X Factor. If you are going to keep BBLB and that same format then the powers that be should have replaced Dermott with BETTER presenters and not ones popped down the local job centre!
Maybe that's a bit unfair to George Lamb........but no, even he has been a poor version of himself. Is it because he is carrying a virus called 'The Zezi'? Tis a likely scenario me thinks. George is great on the radio and even on TV from the snips I see he is much better on other shows. I take issue with Zezi Ifore as I have never known how she managed to get onto TV? Either she slept with the right person or went to the right school!

Let us look at the evidence of her poor work. On Tuesday nominations were announced on BBLB and Zezi was in the camera run. The Housemates were looking in through the window and Darnell even said "There's Zezi"! Never has a celebrity or a presenter been caught out like that before - Not until that fuzzy headed, floral dressed buffoon decided to enter the darkness.
We then look at her presenting skills - WHAT SKILLS? I was about to call her a woman and age wise she is but she's more child-like and that could explain her lack of ability to interview so why employ her BB producers? What were you thinking?

I've held off speaking about her because I've wanted to give her a chance. She may have improved but as time has gone on, I've switched off. I only watch when I desperately need too, only when I see that crazy chic do I turn off nowadays. Thankfully I caught a thread on the BB forum talking about the non-legend that is Zezi and that fiasco.

What is also true about the BB forum is that some threads bitching about Zezi are now disappearing? What happened to freedom of speech? Is the bobble headed bimbo a moderator there? Doubt it, she would need to have more than one brain cell to do that job and work on BBLB and it is obvious she has had a frontal lobotomy at some point.

PLEASE producers of Big Brother, listen to the fans - Zezi is not Little Brother material. George is OK (without the bow tie) and could improve if left to get on with it. I thought that maybe Zezi was there for the 'youngsters' but even my 15 year old thinks she's pants.

TAXI FOR ZEZI (and George's bow tie)

Wednesday 25 June 2008

Bex And Her Make-up

I'm watching tonight's show (Wednesday) and Lisa was given the job of make up for the task which the group passed! (And Tangio went on and on about health and safety for at least three hours). But I digress, was Rebecca hard done by on this task and did the satsuma blob give the job to his missus over her?

I'm glad to see that boring idiot Luke (who I used to love) has realised his mate resembles Vickie Pollard. Jen may have left ONE child at home while Bex Pollard has probably left SIX (allegedly). On this task though should she have been given the make-up role? She loves her own daily routine so why not? See the evidence and why not tell me what you think? Go on I'm writing away and getting hundreds of readers but no comments. You don't know how frustrating that is!