Thursday 19 June 2008

The Aftermath

How did Tango-man react to being told that the vote was off for a week?
Devastated obviously......

Cheers and claps were mostly to be heard when Luke read the laminate from Big Brother; "Big Brother would like to inform you that Alexandra has been removed from the House." explaining Alex had been taken from the house after her non veiled threat –
And being a Muslim she should know the importance of a veil!

The claps and cheers were more to do with the lack of eviction and Tangio-man was initially relieved to hear he was off the hook and that he did not know Alex as well as he thought he did; "The evidence is there," said Tangio. "It's unreasonable behaviour. That's it." He later backtracked and said "It was totally unacceptable the way she kicked off."

How would you have liked to see her kicked off? Probably like most people with an almighty BIG BOOT But knowing Tangio, he would had liked to have had the vote and to see his fans from ‘The Ant and Dec’ came out in force to show how popular he is. Yes Tango you stud muffin (do they do orange muffins?) I wonder if the vote would have been as clear as people think? We will never know….

Other reactions – Jen said; "I thought she was a lovely person. She hated me, but one on one, I thought she was a lovely person" – Basically she's a sweetie, she's a bitch but she's a darling? Yes Jen - Pure Bullshite.

"It was horrendous." Tangio-Man said later in reaction to madam grotbags being thrown out.
"The only thing I thought about her was 'what is she doing here?'" said Lisa. "She didn't seem happy." And she added "She never offended me". This may have been because she was too busy manipulating you Lisa which is what your dear hubby does all the time.

Rex who I bet now is regretting giving Alex his home address said; "She wanted to cause arguments the whole time," said Rex. "I haven't seen one argument she wasn't connected to."
"At last we'll have no more grievances and all that," said Tangio.
"It got to the point where I didn't want to be in the same room as her,"
said Rex. "She was so rude."

Rachel whose acting skills are fabulous and she’s doing a great job of playing a scatty student teacher who has been at college for about ten years now; "I am surprised they've taken her out," Why? She practically ripped you apart with her petty argument over doughballs and spat you out again. No wonder you have not qualified as anything yet – What do you think intimidating behaviour actually means? Dictionary for Rachel for her next birthday.

"They must have had a good reason," said Rex who also added, “It got to the point where I didn't want to be in the same room as her” – Me too Rex, me too…..

Mo was clearly worried that his arguments with Alex may have had something to do with her big boot. He had a good chat with his fellow inmates talked of his emotions and how he felt bad if he had caused he removal. All seemed genuinely kind to him, reassuring him that it was not his fault but you know what it is like in the BB house – They will all vote him out next week!
The housemates got over their upset (which lasted all over 3 seconds), with pizza and speculated over the live show on Friday. What is going to happen? Darnell wants a sexy woman……Dennis and I think Mo (if he’s honest) want a sexy man too.
Will Steph return?

We will have to wait and see but for now Alex is gone and has shut the door behind her.

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