Sunday 15 June 2008

Farewell Stephanie

I have not had the time to get on the net and express my sadness, (OK I'm choking slightly as I say this) and say goodbye to Stephanie.

Was Steph my number one choice to go on Friday with 48% of the vote?

NO Mario was, but she was a close number two and her only saving grace was that was was not a smarmy middle aged man who thinks the country loves him. - Oh that's a blog entry for another day.

Stephanie is an immature, silly, but more insightful than I thought ,19-year-old and actually I grew to quite like her. She stood up against the bullying tactics of Alexandra and when BB brought the 'bullying' subject up, Steph had the compassion to say she did not want to get her housemate into trouble. There would have been better value to keep Steph in and toss that tosser Mario out!

When Stephanie first entered the house and was given the task of being married to Mario, I knew she would not be able to cope. She may have a sweet side but she's also a manipulator and that is her game, - she's not an actress. Trying to pretend to be married to a man who is twice her age was never going to work; especially when they had decided at the very beginning their ages would be 21 and 33 yet within seconds she gave away her age as 19. HMs decide before they enter the house how they will behave and BB's task took away this decision for all of them. For a 19-year-old who is still maturing, it would have been even more difficult to adapt to the new situation and she crumbled.

Big Brother KNEW this was going to happen and it to see on forums "Get Alex out" for instance, and "The task is a fix", Yes of course it is. BB is here for our entertainment and Stephanie signed a contract agreeing to be there for our enjoyment. Unfortunately for her being 19, she's not grown up enough to realise that people will take advantage of her. The others in there who are older understand the game - Mario and Lisa are prime examples - They must be destroyed!!!!!! (Not literally but with custard pies, deflated breast implants, to be told their 'fan club' has been dismantled and reformed as the Luke fan club and occasional screaming anger from Alex).

But again I went off on a tangent on must go back to Steph - I have a blond daughter but even she said Steph gave blondes a poor reputation. Good job, Steph was a fake whose hair extensions started to fall out within the first week. Could you imagine what state she would be in by the end? Some sort of bedraggled mess.........Actually she already looks like that in the mornings.

Friday 13th was the unluckiest day for Stephanie as she had to say goodbye far too early in her book and in particular to Rex. She had built up a sweet relationship with him with a dainty crush on her posh bit of stuff; maybe she liked the fact he could cook too? Did she recall he had a girlfriend? Davina did and gaffed when she commented about Rex's girlfriend and called her his 'ex'....Oh dear Davina.

The interview itself was stifled afair, - what am I saying - it was crap! Steph was useless and Davina sometimes seems to dither. This was not her best interview but certainly not her worst, I like Davina, I just don't understand why the interview cannot be a little longer and she cannot probe a little further?

I'm sure if you're a BB fan you've seen the dribble but if you want to read what was said on Friday, here's a link to the Channel 4 site:

If only Steph had stayed what could have happened?

The late night chats with Rex might have developed into late night kisses and late night fumbles and by week 10, late night arguments and we would have 'Chiggygate' mark two.

Her extensions will have fallen out as will the rest of her hair because she went to such a poor hairdresser leaving her completely bald and requiring one of Alex's hair appendages.

No longer known as Blondie, Steph is now known as Baldie but has all the support of bald people around the country and wins BB9!

Sadly I made that last bit up and she was out in the first week and who remembers those who go out in the first week?

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