Monday 23 June 2008

Let's Have A Bit Of Dennis

What can I say about Dennis - He STINKS!

We have now seen him attempt to speak his mind when he felt played off by Alex and Sylvia. He said he knew he was being used yet was quite happy to play along? The Scottish dancer has also been vocal in his anger about Tangio's snoring; "I cannot cope with this, with this I cannot cope." "I clapped my hands really loudly but he didn't move. I just canny cope. " Yeah that will do a lot of good. What works for me is a good hard slap but it will get you evicted......Now there's a thought?

I loved Dennis' take of Darnell on Mo's birthday and that's about as much of Dennis I can honestly say I am enjoying. His antics have been non existent and the man is a dullard. His decision to have his meeting and 'get things out in the open' did what and served what? - Am I being unfair to him and is it just that there are too many characters in the house who are bigger than he? I'm even finding Mo more interesting than Dennis right now!

Today I have been on 'Dennis watch' and what have I seen him do?
He was lying talking boring stuff to Vicky Pollard and the Chuckle Brother - Oh I could not even be bothered to listen to what was being said it was that dull. But then Dennis stuck his hand down the back of his pants. OK fine......shit happens! He then smelt his hand and with that same hand, ran the fingers threw his hair! EEUURGGHHYUCK!

It is this and other things he does that grate on my nerves and then there's his fashion sense or lack of it. Who ever told him that fluorescent green golf socks, pulled up to bellow the knew were trendy? He teams this with his Bermuda shorts in only a way Dennis can and yes this is his own unique style - Thank goodness, who else would go around like this? And I will not allow a picture of a fashion disaster to be on my blog.
Dennis is nothing but a sheep with a terrible dress sense. To make BB interesting we need people who will stir things up. I know I feel Sylvia is as transparent as glass but at least she is trying! Dennis is boring.

Its nomination day and if the housemates have been sensible they will have picked wisely. Sadly they only share an IQ of 500 between them so there's not much chance of that. If we the public are sensible, we can get rid of the boring ones and no matter how much we hate Tangio sticking his tongue in Butch's mouth like a bull slobbering over his heifer, we have to think about entertainment. Those lovie dovie bits are only the small parts (thankfully), remember the bigger picture.

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