Housemate Dennis McHugh has been removed from the Big Brother House for uunacceptable behaviour.
After the argument last night at around 12.45am this morning (27th June), During the argument Dennis spat in the face of fellow housemate, Mohamed.
QUOTE BB "Big Brother intervened immediately to break up the argument. The 'as live' streaming from the house on E4 was cut and no footage was broadcast.
All the housemates involved in the argument were sent to separate bedrooms and kept apart for the rest of the night. Dennis and Mohamed were called separately to the diary room in the early hours to discuss the incident.
After production staff and executives at Channel 4 reviewed the footage this morning, Dennis was called to the diary room a second time at 1:15pm and told he was immediately being removed from the house.
Following Dennis's removal, Big Brother continues to call to the diary room a number of other housemates to discuss their involvement in the argument and remind them of the rules governing housemates' behaviour.
A Channel 4 spokeswoman said: "Spitting in someone's face is seriously offensive and Mohamed was understandably upset. Big Brother has very clear rules about offensive behaviour. Like all housemates Dennis was clearly informed before entering the house that he faced eviction if he acted in an unacceptable manner."
Viewers will be able to see the incident and how it was handled in tonight's highlights show on Channel 4 at 9pm.
"Tonight's eviction vote, involving Mohamed and Sylvia, will proceed as planned."
All the housemates involved in the argument were sent to separate bedrooms and kept apart for the rest of the night. Dennis and Mohamed were called separately to the diary room in the early hours to discuss the incident.
After production staff and executives at Channel 4 reviewed the footage this morning, Dennis was called to the diary room a second time at 1:15pm and told he was immediately being removed from the house.
Following Dennis's removal, Big Brother continues to call to the diary room a number of other housemates to discuss their involvement in the argument and remind them of the rules governing housemates' behaviour.
A Channel 4 spokeswoman said: "Spitting in someone's face is seriously offensive and Mohamed was understandably upset. Big Brother has very clear rules about offensive behaviour. Like all housemates Dennis was clearly informed before entering the house that he faced eviction if he acted in an unacceptable manner."
Viewers will be able to see the incident and how it was handled in tonight's highlights show on Channel 4 at 9pm.
"Tonight's eviction vote, involving Mohamed and Sylvia, will proceed as planned."
Housemates are now discussing the aftermath of Dennis being removed with Jennifer looking noticeably upset.
Mario read out the news to the HMs who had been previously seated on the sofas where, Jennifer shouted: "Let’s hope justice is served. Let’s hope Mohamed goes!” Dale stood up to confront Mohamed, who asked him not to touch him. "If I touch you, you’ll know about it," replied Dale, which prompted Big Brother to call him into the Diary Room and warn him about his aggressive behaviour.
Sylvia has said; "my heart has been ripped out of my chest" during her conversation with Jen where Darnell was also packing some clothes away in Bblock9.
Rex is outside in the pool with Bex explaining that the painting can be fixed as it is "acrylics, it can be repaired" and the reason it flared up was because Jen was upset with being in between Dale and Stuart. Kat and Rachel are also sitting by the pool. Rex feels Bex may have flared things up by having a go at him because he went into apologise to Jen and said they would sort it out in the morning. He thought the argument would finish then.
"Do not tell me what to do" shouted Bex, walking away. "Go and repeat this inside then....." bird sound as usual.....arguments arguments......
Meanwhile in Bblock9 Jen is still talking to Darnell "You should be gone as well Darnell ,your behaviour was terrible last night" Jen is being a complete drama queen and saying she will not dress up tonight, neither will Sylvia. Oh dear she's going to feel a complete tit when she's voted out.
Jen is now saying "REX DESTROYED her picture" and blaming Darnell? Apparently Mo was crying and Darnell was supporting him last night and is saying something about the words 'filthy and vile'. Sylvia is claiming nothing came out of Dennis' mouth when he spat at Mo and that it was Mohamed's fault that he got spat at! Oh that's a good one. Go tell all those criminals in prison that it's not their fault but the people they assaulted/killed/raped etc. Damn cheek. Darnell has given Jen a good piece of his mind and he has grown even higher in my estimations. As said in my earlier entry - He is my Guru.
Too many dips in sound but it sounds like after Mo said "It's only a painting". There is now a discusion in the luxury room and they are talking about an argument between Rex, Dale, Stuart where Mohamed was left feeling frightened he was going to be hit by Dale. This must have been when Darnell stepped in but if Channel 4 keep moving the cameras from each room just when we are reaching the bottom of the argument, we will never solve it. I guess they want us to see THEIR VERSION tonight?
More feedback later. but seems Jen said something not so nice to Mo this morning - No lying more now with no dips in sound. Mo is in kitchen with Stuart her new beau. Mo was telling Stuart that he was not rude to Bex and from what I have heard on the grapevine, Sylvia has used his religion against him saying he has disgraced it! OOOOH I now hope she goes to the chorus of boos.
As for Jen, wait till tonight and then Alpha Queen, you will find out that LISA is really the boss. Ooooh and Jen has just been very sternly called to the Diary Room! ...........
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