Friday 20 June 2008

Another Week In The Madhouse

Its been a hectic week in the BB House and so much has been packed in to such a small house.

Stephanie said goodbye in particular to Rex and then secondly to the B-Block posse, Alex shouted at Rachel, Mo, Bex, Rachel and Mo again then bitched behind everyone's backs.

Rex tried to be the daddy of the house but Tangio, the fake Italian fact I half expect him to start flogging the knock off Armani jeans he usually sells down the market. All this talk of being a 'facilitator' is going straight over my head and I think that is his plan. No one knows what a facilitator is and with that in mind he can make up his own job description. "Oh yes I bullshine (his word) all day". Suits Tangio-Man and his super orange missus well. Talking of Lisa or Butch as she should be called, she's definitely more masculine than her husband and I don't care that she claimed to be his "housemate" - What was that all about?" Good TV that's what! They know how to play the reality game and thought "hey yeh, this is the plan, we'll be either loved or hated but we will be talked about." Love em or hate em, we are talking about them.......
What is letting them down is their nauseating snogfests and the fumbles and the duvet - Yuck I want to puke.

Luke and Rebecca now there's a couple (said with tongue firmly in cheek.) A scrawny stick like bloke with a voluptuous bird who would smother her prey with her almighty breast. I'm not knocking bigger knockers - I have them myself, but she would honestly cause Luke some sort of damage ....That poor boy looks like he's only 12 and it is only when he opens he gob you realise he has the intellectual capacity of all the housemates put together (from all years).

Dale and Jen have been flaunting themselves at each other .....zzzzzzzzzzz
Sorry dozed off there. Why oh why do they not get on with it? I guess because they think we want this long drawn out affair.....NO WE WANT SEX but not with Tangio and Butch - please NO!

Mikey has been brilliant if you close your eyes and think Billy Connolly. I'm quite enjoying his one man performances in the Diary Room when he rants about his fellow housemates and he is spot on about their behaviour and has Sylvia sorted right from day one. Shame it is the only one who cannot see that is the only one that can see how two faced and obnoxious Sylvia is.

Speaking of that woman, I saw her yesterday taking over Alex's top bitch spot perfectly when she came into the bedroom and spoke with Jen, Dale and some other boring ones I don't even want to talk about and said Mo had asked her to pretend to be a couple while they were in the house to get money out of the papers when they leave! I'm looking forward to tonight's highlights to see if Sylvia is a shamefaced cow or if I have Mo wrong? Seems Sylvia is definitely a sly one - She's lying about Mo and if its anything about her children called Table and Chair then she's likely to be found our quickly.

Mo is BORING. He is one of the BORING ones I do not wish to spend any longer speaking about. Add Rachel and Rex to that list except I will add at least Rex hacks the orange twosome off who his fancy cooking. I bet when they go on holiday to Spain they only eat Egg and chips and would not even know what the local traditional meals are? Only problem with Rex is what a w*nker with the shopping list - Thank god, his daddy is still in charge of the restaurants because he over spent by over £100...... Not good.
And Dennis comes at the bottom of my boring pile....I'm so bored with him already. He latched on to Alex and now he has latched on to Sylvia even though he knew she was the one who caused him the heartache leading him to 'Dennis-gate'.

On to Darnell I still don't get him and maybe I never will and he is also one I find a tad bit boring....But I'll elevate him from the boring files as he his accent is interesting - but at times incomprehensible?

Oh and I nearly forgot Kat! I find myself feeling almost cruel here because she seems such a sweet lady however she drives me crazy. It is the constant singing and the "Cookie, cookie" business - Oh for goodness sakes, shove a face full of them and shut her up.

But now it is Friday night again. Alex has been removed and who is going in?

Here's a vid of Alex being kicked out - for those who haven't yet seen it.

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