Saturday 7 June 2008

The Stephanie Inquisition

It is kicking off in the bathroom.

Bigmouth Alexandra has led the inquisition team in a full blown attack on Stephanie over her relationship with Mario and why they never kiss. Just a small mistake that one.

I'm seeing the 'full colours' of Alex as Paula Abdul judge of America Idol would say and they ain't nice. She has a mouth like a fog horn which she engages before her brain kicks in. Yes she is intelligent and has picked up that this is a scam by BB; however she has not worked out the whole story. Instead she reduced poor thick Steph nearly to tears. I may not think much of Steph but it was bullying tactics Alex used and not nice to see. Where Mario was is beyond me?

In 24 hours time they expect a no show marriage so what will happen when the marriage takes place? Alexandra said, "Oh its not personal" - yet she was taking the matter to heart as if this was against her? It is almost as if she sees it as a slight by BB and that they picked Steph because she was more attractive, younger and fitter than she. All three are true, (even first thing in the morning) so she would be right wouldn't she. She's also a queen bitch and I hope the public will keep her in for a long time because if they are clever we will get good entertainment out of her.

Meanwhile, Luke and Jennifer have formed the 'No more wedding talk' group which is funny as Luke is one of the conspirators and is chatting with Mohamed and Jennifer about that wedding!

I was worried this morning that the show was flat. It is now looking like the characters are starting to spice up the plot and I have nought to worry about.


Anonymous said...

haha, awesome blog, always looking for good ones on bb *thumbs up*

will check back for new updates, lol

The Mutteroo said...

Thanks Anon, sorry it has taken so long to reply to you!

Hope you have come back and please comment again. It helps me if I know what peole what to hear - Then again I love blogging about the flippery of BB - They're all nutters
