Wednesday, 18 June 2008

Grace Dent

It is essential for anyone who enjoys BB to read Grace Dent. She writes with such honesty and with great humour and Channel 4 have been sensible in getting her on board. I think she must have reading my blog (hehe), as she's in agreement with me about Alex and there's a love/loathe relationship with the woman. Like me she feels that although HMs may dislike Alex, they need her.

I really do not want Alexandra to be evicted on Friday but the general public will have their ounce of flesh and vote in their thousands.........As long as there are no problems with the phone line this time. Oh and of course we have to remember Alex does not stand a chance - Mario and Lisa have a fan club because of 'The Ant and Dec'......

I totally agree with the fabulous Grace and her giant orange man analogy of the giant orange man who will surely explode in a barrage of "Health and Safety", "Help Mikey!" and "I'm a facilitator" comments when he departs this earth. I would worry who he facilitates as facilitating means 'listening' not talking and he does a lot of that and most of it BS.
Would Mario be missed if he went on Friday - NO!

The only person who might miss him is Lisa and I doubt for very long. Her sexual needs would be met with her daily exercises which I'm sure already enables her to reach multi orgasmic status and probably why she undertakes such a strenuous routine? She's a clever and satisfied girl that one.

There's also another side to her which may only see if Mario gets booted out on Friday. We saw a snatch of that side in the Diary Room when she talked about Sylvia on last night's show. Quiet, demure, Lisa was basically saying "Don't cross me or I'll brake ya legs", and that spoke volumes for this supposed gentile middle aged woman. There is much more to Lisa than she is trying to portray and with Mario gone, who knows what may come out? - Lisa might be Leonard as we all have suggested all along!

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