Friday 6 June 2008

The Arrival Of The Fittest

Welcome to this blog which will only be here for the duration of Big Brother. My love of BB has been all encompassing ever since Craig told nasty Nick "Your not my mum"; no wrong show - Ah those days when BB was great because we did not know what to expect. But now we have an expectation each year and we want to be entertained.

Looking at some of the cast members its looking promising however others are dubious. Who cares though when the females have finally been given some good looking male totty and the males have been also catered for. But NO this is not good enough, I do not want to drool at the screen all summer, I want drama, friction, fighting and laughter too.

First to enter the big white door this year were Mario and Lisa.
Mario Marconi or Shaun Astbury as was, 42 has already become daddy to the house and has split with Lisa....more on that later if you do not know already. Mario looks like a fatter version of Joey from Friends on a bad day with the wind in the wrong direction and wearing poor glasses. Can't say he floats my boat.

Lisa Appleton, 40, and Mario's partner has been aesthetically enhanced all thanks to Mario. Big Brother played a sneaky trick on the couple and have told then that to win immunity from eviction this week, Mario and Lisa have to stop being a couple and more to tell when contestant no. four arrives. Trouble ahead with this as Lisa looks like no woman to be messed with.

Luke Marsden who truly looks like a 12-year-old in his dad's suit! Luke is a politics student who does not drink or smoke or fart probably. His voice is whiny and irritating and hopefully Luke and his suits (C&A specials) will be out quickly as I do not see much potential there.

Stephanie McMichael 19, arrived next and although she claims to be intelligent I would say that she is really thick and manipulative. Thanks to BB's trickery, Steph is now Mario's partner and only Luke knows this. The four need to keep this secret all week and if they can pull this off then they will be safe from eviction while all the other housemates will be up for the vote. What they do not realise is that Mario and Stephanie will be getting married on SUNDAY! AHA such fun.

Rachel Rice the 24-year-old trainee teacher (I think?) was next to arrive. She's bubbly, talkative, annoying and if you have a primary aged child then you will have met a teacher whose exactly like her. If she can manage a bunch of crazed eight-year-olds she should fit in well with the weirdos they mix her with.

Dale Howard, a good looking 21-year-old and he knows it I don't actually care because I fancy his body and I will pass on the personality How far will Dale go? And I'm talking in the show not in a sexual sense! (ooooh) Dale will be there right till the end, as long as he keeps his more sordid comments to his self.

BOOOOO! Sylvia Barrie a 21-year-old student, originally from Sierra Leone arrived to taunts from the crowd who have decided they hate her from her "girls don't seem to like me" comments. If she's to be believed then will cause friction but we shall have to wait and see.

Oh Dennis McHugh who's a 23 and a dance student arrived with a demented dance, a dodgy hat and an ego the size of the milky way. An interesting character but also aggravating (I shall have to think of the many different variations of the word irritating for this lot) I think I like Dennis if only he did not have that voice. Do you think he could swap it half way through with one of the other housemates?

Michael 'Mikey' Hughes, 33 is a cross dressing 6 footer who loves being the centre of attention. He's blind and does not let this hold him back and I have mixed feelings about someone with a disability like this on BB. Did Pete win because his disability gave him the sympathy vote and will the same thing happen to Mickey because some of the forums have a lot of "Ah poor Mickey/Michael" and he doesn't need that. He seems to have coped all of his life without the world feeling sorry for him without strangers starting now

Alexandra De-Gale 23, was a mother at 15 and owned a BMW at 21 but for some reason has already been labeled and I don't like that. Is it jealousy? Probably. She does love herself this is true but then again why not be confident? The crowd hated her and she was booed even more than Sylvia. Luke had a few boos to be honest but poor Alexandra had to suffer the "OUT" chants? She admitted she was a strong personality which is what we want on the show. Do we want to be entertained people? YES. If the public vote out the best characters early this year I will go spare.

Rex Newmark, 24, bit posh executive chef who got himself expelled from nine schools and has a very very pointy head! he will come in very useful and today he cooked soup for a late lunch and supper at midnight. No, not midnight, its going to be at seven apparently but there was a huge discussion over it which involved Mario and Steph this afternoon and nearly caused their first row. Rex comes across as mean and moody? That is my opinion but why are you reading this if you did not want to know it.

The hair, I mean Mohamed Mohamed 23, He could come in very useful if not enough tokens are earned as tip him upside down and he could be a mop. Oh the hilarity.....oh but seriously, I like this guy and his mad hair and 1970's sideburns. Half expect him to wear a fluorescent flared green suit tomorrow. Should last some time.

Rebecca 'Becca or Becs' Shiner Nursery nurse 21, was up next and lives by the philosophy of Tigger; "Bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce". The girl constantly lept up and down as if her life depended on it and being curvaceous, everything bounced everywhere too. Ahh I know that feeling well. Not bothered one way or the other with her to be honest and think she will be one of those who will be out pretty quick unless she wears one of those leopard skin dressing gowns of course.........

Darnell Swallow 26, Born in Ipswich, moved to America and for some reason came back over here again. Must have been for the weather? Darnell is certainly a character that us for sure. He does not take him self seriously or so he says. Darnell has a medical condition called Albinoism which leaves him with less melanin in his skin, hair and eyes leaving his hair white and skin much paler. It is being portrayed as a disability by others because of the comments that are being left and the prejudice against this man AND oppositely, those people smothering him with inappropriate comments. Darnell has learned to live with this.
Come on people forget the medical condition, he has! Darnell appears to be a fun bloke and I hope he does well for who he is not what he has and how people see it.

Jennifer Clark is a 21-year-old mother, which brings the young mum total to two now. Pretty lady with some odd views however as she is yet another gorgeous bird she should last a fair well. Don't have anything good or bad I can say about her because I just don't get her? Think she's just a pretty face.

Kathreya 'Kat' Kasisopa, 30, not being funny here and I know I mentioned that leopard skin dressing gown earlier but you've got to admit that Kat looks like a Taiwanese version of the Welsh Sloth from last year. Everyone is raving about Kat, I'm holding fire and will wait and see as again I am not sure which way she will go. Could be a great bet if she will be the crazed cookie monster for the whole summer or a nightmare if she starts wearing a dressing gown with those gold platform boots.

So there we have it, our cast is all ready and waiting, time for a good summer or else YOU'RE FIRED!

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