Thursday 19 June 2008


The Queen of mean has left has house but the housemates are unaware that Sylvia, her sidekick and as someone just said on Bigmouth, Alexandra's mini-me, has been left to step into Alex's witchity boots.

Sly Sylvia, who wears dark glasses so no one can see her snoop, creeps behind doors to listen in on conversations so that she can guage which side she prefers to be on. Sensible Sylvia, who saw that the tide was turning against her Queen and decided that sabbotage was the only answer. Feel -No-Pain Sylvia, who has had her private parts pierced and good job too as Queen Alex is not cold in her grave but Sylvia is now speaking ill of her. I would not be at all surprised if she was two-facedly (if that was a word?) bitching, bemoaning and bejewelling her own part (and parts!) in how she discovered Alex was not the Holy Prophet of Islam.

Had we forgotten that Sylvia LIED about her previous life? She said when she first went into the house that she had TWO children whom she was bringing up single handedly. It wasn't until her basic maths let her down and it would have meant her giving bith at the age of six that she admitted that she was a bare faced liar. The other issue was with their names - Table and Chair! Only Mohamed believed her. (Which university did he get into?)

Dennis must be on to Sylvia? And he certainly did not trust her but what was scary was how Alex knew Sylvia was the one who committed high treason against her Queen, yet she was prepared to keep it, hold onto to it and use it against the Siera Leonian when she was good and ready. After hearing all about Alex's connections, Sylvia is now regretting ever crossing her path and hoping she wins or secures a large sum of money from the papers post BB as reconstructive plastic surgery is the only way she will be unrecognisable by the Croydon nutcase.

Tomorrow night is Friday night live - A new housemate is being introduced and who knows who its going to be? Anyone seen Mario's ex wife?

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