Friday 27 June 2008


Time for a weekly catch up.

OK GO - The task was passed and Luke has been saved from starvation. More on him in a separate blog entry as I need a good moan. That boy is truly driving me crazy. As for the task itself; I'm actually of the school of thought that found it a good 'un. I found Dale quite hot in his clashing red trousers and orange shirt. Rex looked like a turd but would have looked like an idiot in whatever he wore.

We have had the 'love square' with Sly old Sylvia loving everyone. Jen has played her game brilliantly by playing Dale along and ealier this week even making him believe he may have a chance. When she thought Sylvia realistically fancied him she looked relieved to be let off the hook only to be left disappointed when she found out Sylvia was joking. You could hear in her voice that tone of near tears - Oh if only the public would use their brains and keep her in but they will not. They will keep in the boring one who sits, sleeps, farts and eats......great.

What else has happened this week. Ah yes finally the jail has been used more for what BB producers said it would be used for. Practically everyone apart from Kat has been locked up there and she should be for her awful singing. - I wish she would sut up! Everytime I turn on to BB all I can hear is "Cookie love, Cookie love" or "When the saints go marching in" Please shut up Kat, it sounds as if someone is strangling a 'kat' and if this is the aim she's doing well. It is not my cup of tea.

Mario/Tangio and Lisa/Butch are still the Grandma and Grandpa of the house with Tangio driving me crazy with his health and safety comments and over exageration of how many people he now manages. It started at the beginning with 200 people and is now 500. By the end of the series it will be at a million. The funny thing is that the gruesome twosome are growing on me and I have no idea why? I can't stand the snogging and I am so pleased that BB has decided to stop showing them fumbling under the covers. I think they realise we do not want to see them. It is repulsive! They are not much older than me however it is still like watching my parents.
Luke, he has shown his colours with Darnell and Rachel seeing him for who he is (hooray). Jennifer is Jennifer(boring); Dale is just a face and body which I still like and do NOT want to see removed any time soon and if he is up for eviction there will be a Mutteroo campaign to keep him in. Bex is also growing on me, it is her tantrums and sulks that at first annoyed me and if she lived with me I would tell he to go to her room and not come down till she could behave. But what fun to keep her with those housemates - Ha ha. Rex is a sly bugger and beginning to show his true colours. Still think he's boring but we shall see. irritating Scottish gay man and I feel sorry for Scotland and gay men for the misrepresentation he is causing. Dennis out please he not doing anything bar gossip. [AS I WENT TO LOOK UP PHOTOS I DISCOVERED 'SPITGATE' AND PUT THIS ON EDIT. MY OPINIONS MAY HAVE CHANGED ON SOME HMs SINCE THIS ENTRY] Stuart, we shall see on that one. Great body though, shame about the face. Mo...zzzzzzzzzzzz. And as for Mikey? Great Diary Room entries but otherwise, waste of a place.

Fav this week - Darnell

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