Sunday 8 June 2008

Mario - Sleazeball, Bully, K**bhead (Allegedly)

He has a d*ck the size of a ............. No not a story from the Sun but from The Sunday Mirror only so a teeny weeny bit more tasteful.......much like the size of Mario's anatomy.

Geoff Appleton is Mario's 75-year-old father in law but wishes he wasn't. He dislikes his daughter's taste in her latest choice so much that he's decided to sell his side of the story. Doubt it has anything to do with money? When you're 75 you are rolling in money as the Government throws it at you like sweeties doesn't it? So why is Geoff Appleton selling his daughter's life story with Mario to the highest bidder? Don't think she would be very happy to hear her breasts have been spread all over the tabloids and no I shall not re-phrase that as it is going to happen before the summer ends.

Mario Marconi is "a sleazeball and a bully", Geoff declared and was deeply unhappy when he saw Mario pretending to date 19-year-old Stephanie. Lovely to realise that 75-year-olds watch the show and that the demographic is spreading to such a wide age range but I digress. I don't think Geoff realised that this was just a task and not real? Understandably, Mr Appleton was upset when Mario said he had slept with over 200 women on his profile but why get so upset? Sounds like he's more angry that his daughter has chosen to go on Big Brother in the first place and wants someone to blame but cannot blame his princess.

Reading the interview, there looks a genuine hate relationship from Mr Appleton towards Mario and absolutely no love at all. (Don't blame him). "Everything about him is fake. His real name's not even Mario. He's called Shaun for God's sake. He just wanted to sound Italian.
"He lives in a fantasy world and thinks he's something he's not. He's all show and no substance.
"I hope Lisa dumps him now for her own sake and one thing is for sure - he is banned from stepping foot inside my house."
Is this all because he said he had over 200 women or is there something else going on?

Retired quantity surveyor Geoff cared alone for Lisa, her sister Sarah and brother Martin after wife Maureen left when Lisa was 13. My dad was protective of me yet if my mother had left and I was looked after alone by my father, I think he would had been even more protective. Not saying this is the case here - very likely looking at the language and reading between the lines.

"I don't like to speak ill of people but I didn't like him from the moment I met him.
There was just something uncomfortable about him."
And this is not speaking ill of people? Wow.

Meanwhile, Norman Jackson, 66, father of Mario's ex-wife, teacher Lorraine Jackson, 40, also had a go at Mario.
"I always thought he was a complete k**bhead. I have nothing but contempt for him. He was a flash git who only talked fame and money."

I must say I like the way this man speaks. At least he is honest and gets to the point without skirting around the houses. If he wasn't so old, lived miles from my house and I wasn't married then I would be up there like a shot being stimulated by his pivotal frankness.

Good news for Mario, his Sophie, Lisa's daughter: "I like Mario, he's great fun. I am sure he will do well."

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