Wednesday 11 June 2008

It all kicked off again last night after a talent show, an act which was supposed to be fun and a throw away comment which came back and hit one housemate slap bang in her face.

The evening started with fun and frolics when the HMs decided to show off their variety of overwhelming (yawn) gifts and aptitudes and “BB’s Got Talent” was born. Luke made a suggestion that they have three judges just like the real thing who comment on each act as their appeared.

First on was Mo and former child actress Rachel with a recital of Romeo and Juliet.
Judge Jennifer: "You've got no future in acting."
Judge Steph: “You don’t know what you are doing.”
Judge Luke: "The acting was as bad as Mario and Steph's wedding." Oh come on Luke – Nothing is THAT BAD!

Dennis and Sylvia became the Booty Shaking Babas, while Rex and Darnell called themselves B-Unit, and were crowned the winners with their cross American, West Hampstead posh boy rapping.

There was another act involved in this sojourn into inelegance, after pretending to be judges, Steph and Jen, had dressed up, or should I say did not dress up as the Cheeky Girls. "Cheeky cheeky!" Kat, exclaimed. I think Kat will be our resident joke of the show this year and “Hear-rare-re-rus will be the stocking word shouted by teens and drunks throughout the land.Steph and Jen wore matching frilly knickers, bra tops and high heels: "You're not putting that on, are you?" Rebecca asked Steph."Yeah," Steph replied. "Do you think we look like s**ts ?" Jen also had concerns about the outfit and went to find Mario: "How do you think I look?" To which Mario replied: "If I'm totally honest, I think you look like a tart." Jennifer thanked him for his opinion because she felt "uncomfortable", and went to get changed.

It was Steph who fumed at Mario (pictured here so exhausted that she had to lie down): "What's it got to do with you?" "We're just having a laugh and you're putting this down! Shut up!" There was further tit for tat, or should I say, tits for tarts! Ha ha). Steph has it all to play for and is arguing for all her worth isn’t she? Mario felt that his only way of winning the row was to say to her: "Go away, you silly girl." – Nice you patronizing old fart said the blogger being ‘oldest’ towards the 43-year-old man."He's made me feel like some sort of little slag," Steph squealed, as she stomped out of the bedroom. "We were just having a laugh." Yeah come on DAD, give her a break.

It is also strange that Jen asked Mario when Lisa wears clothes which are sometimes unsuitable for a woman of her years - Sometimes unsuitable of a woman of ANY YEARS. Jennifer was very upset and went to speak to BB and had a good sob later with Sylvia and was comforted by Alex too? Alex asked': "Are you disappointed with yourself for wearing the outfit?"Jen nodded, saying: "I'm just always so boring and serious so I did it so I could get involved. Mario's right, I looked ridiculous.""You didn't look ridiculous," assured Alexandra. "Sometimes you do things and you think 'why am I doing this?" They hugged her and Alex reminded her "to keep it real" and to be herself.

That was a strange one as Alex had been seen yesterday with Dale and earlier with Mario and Lisa criticizing Jen and was to go on to be critical of Steph too.

Alex has taken her telling off from BB well and is trying hard. Don’t think it will last though. At 1am this morning Alex was talking with Mario and Lisa criticizing Steph and again using her age as a weapon. She has also bitched about Jen behind her back to Dale who we can all see fancies Jen. Alex then went onto to rip into Lisa in the early hours of this morning before the sound dipped she practically called her a tart and said her clothes were a disgrace. Alex is playing a dangerous game. She was in control but BB pulled her up on he tactics and she has had to change her own rules – Could be very interesting as if Mario stays in on Friday he will start to take control.
The Three Witches are no more.......

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