Friday 27 June 2008

Dennis The Vile Spitting Queen

Diva Dennis is in a whole lot of trouble could be the second contestant to be booted out of the house. At 12.45am, a huge row broke out in the BB house which all started over a smudged painting.

A lot of cider was consumed last night as it was a 'last night' for one of the housemates. Emotions were running very high and this lead to an argument over Jennifer's painting of Stuart which had been hanging on the fridge. Rex smudged it with water to 'make his hair bigger' which then dripped down and smudged the rest of the paint. [ADDING THAT THE CHANNEL 4 SITE HAVE SAID IT WAS PIZZA HOWEVER THEY ARE NOT SAYING ANYTHING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED LATER ANDi AM THINKING COVER UP. PLEASE READ ON]
He was mucking about and with the amount of alcohol drunk everyone took everything the wrong way and Oh my goodness what happened showed some housemates true colours.

12.45am and let's set the scene. We have one picture smudged. Meanwhile Jen had been having one of those evenings going on about herself again and her 'relationships' with Stuart and Dale. She was in the luxury bedroom with Dennis speaking with Lisa and Tangio before finding Dale and finally telling him (again) that she didn't want a relationship in the house with him. Rebecca, Mo, Rex and most of the others were drinking and partying in the main house while Darnell and Sylvia were having a romantic dinner for two (an ever changing token from the shopping list) in a side room.

Jen saw her painting and after having an extremely emotional evening already, this was the straw that broke the Jenny's back so to speak. She ran off to find her new best friend Dennis' shoulder.

"Rex has just completely ruined my picture I did on the fridge." she sobbed "He's gone and smudged it! What's he done that for? He's sitting sniggering, laughing about it."
"What's he done that for? It was my picture I drew, and he's gone and destroyed it."
She then started to ball; "Why would he do that? Why would he be so evil?". "Can you believe that, Dennis?" tears now rolling down her face.
"I can believe it," Dennis told Jennifer solemnly. "Are we going to let it beat us, or are we gonna forget about it?"

Rex came into the bedroom to apologise, but the stupid man kept smirking which annoyed Jen further. "If you're upset, I'm sorry,". "I didn't mean to ruin your painting."
"Yeah, well you have,"
Jennifer shot back. "Just because you're jealous." Of what?

He went on to say; "I honestly didn't mean to upset you, I'm sorry Jen, I didn't mean to ruin your painting. But the task is over." [Heard of the word subtle Rex?]
Jen furiously replied, "There was no need for that, I've never done anything in here to upset you like that. You wouldn't be able to do that in an art gallery, I would never ruin something that you had created ... I would never stick my fingers in your food. I wanted to keep that and you destroyed something that I did. I didn't deserve that at all."

You then had the back and forths of the HMs who wanted to see what was going and most were supporting Jen. With Alpha femal Jen firmly in top bitch position from her repeatative "But you're just jealous" argument with Rex.
In the lounge, Luke is sitting originally with Kat and Rachel and tells then Rex has smeared pizza on the painting but Rachel corrects him and says Rex he wet his finger and was trying to make the hair bigger. They go off to jon Queen Jen.
Rex has gone off to bed in Bblock 9 where Mo tells him, "you know your gonna be targetted next week now don't you?" Mo hear a loud bang on either the door or window, jumps up and says "OH FucK" (Ad break). When they come back Bex, who has always been in Jen's gang is went to confront Rex in the. "She's crying her fucking eyes out in there you wanker, you're such a dickhead!" Stu also added his bit and told Rex that he was "out of order". Kat, who was herself upset over the row and had stayed with Jen, told the alpha female that she didn't think Rex meant to damage it (ah cookie love)and Rachel then warned a fuming Dale about not doing anything he'd regret. She told him not to "kick off".
"It's only a painting," Mohamed protested, only for the other housemates to turn on him, with Dennis shouting in his face.

At this point E4 cut all live coverage for nearly an hour and during that time, Mo and Dennis had a heated face to face argument with Dennis SPITTING in Mo's face!

When coverage came back on, Dennis was saying to the other housemates; "Mo got up in my face and said 'Don't tell me to shut up' and that's when I spat at him in his face. If I'm removed, I'm removed ... everyone's gonna get pulled in one by one tomorrow."

At 2am, Dennis said that the argument happened just when everyone was starting to get to know each other and work together. No, that is just your clique Dennis! Dale cuddled Jen while others gathered around Dennis and offered support. Dennis repeated that if he's chucked out, so be it. "I'm a good person, I stand up for what's right" he said. We shall see in the morning Dennis.

In the house, Mario told Mo, "You can hold your head up, Mohamed, you didn't retaliate" BB then called Mo to the Diary Room but had no idea what to say; "I have no idea what to say!" Yeah I just said that Mo.....

Darnell my new favourite of the week commented, "Dennis has messed up and knows it. He's so dangerous" My guru then threw out this comment, "that Dennis has all the girls under his thumb".

At 2.30am, Mo got some water in the kitchen and then went back into the diary room. He emerged again at about 2.55am. He said that Big Brother told him, "This night's not over." and that everyone is going to be called into the diary room to give their version of events.

Big Brother producers then started calling housemates to the diary room one by one to get their version of events. They say that they will decide Dennis' fate THIS MORNING (Friday 27/6/08)

A Big Brother spokeswoman told the Daily Star that, "Around 12.45am a verbal argument took place between a number of housemates. During that argument Dennis allegedly spat at Mohamed. Big Brother immediately intervened and separated the housemates into their bedrooms, where they will remain until the morning. Big Brother is currently talking to each of the housemates individually and reviewing the situation before deciding if any appropriate action is required."
What do you think? Channel four are not saying on their main BB site about the spitting incident - WHY? Cover up?

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