Friday 20 June 2008

PDC, Alex and Why This Blog Entry Is Important

I'm still new to blogging and haven't learned how to put a link in where you click a word and bobs your uncle but click on the URL here:


If you do not have the time to read the whole article I can give you a resume. It is from a local London newspaper talking how in Lambeth the Peel Dem Crew (PDC) was was named the largest gang in the borough. But the article goes on to show how its founders managed to turn their lives around.

The truth of it is that most of us cannot imagine what it is like for 'the youth' of today to grow up being fearful of other youths or of gang culture. My friend said only yesterday that her son is feeling dragged into a life he feels deeply ashamed and terrified of. He's pulling away from the area he knows because gang members are recruiting around where he lives. He does not want to be part of that culture and for most of us over the age of probably thirty? I doubt we can identify with the worries of a teenage boy but we should because as you can see they do not just affect teenage boys - They affect mothers with seven year old daughters too.

Lets listen to what Alex has to say. I'll put the video on here when it is available. I am not going to report the trash that is in the Mirror as I do not believe all that is there. Read that article though and gain some insight as that speaks the truth.

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