Saturday 21 June 2008

Sylvia + Lust = Stuart

Do you think Stuart will find love in the house?

The girls are telling the boys the answer is NOT; Lust is a different matter though. Rebecca, Sylvia and Jennifer have complained that Rex has jumped to the conclusion they all fancy the latest housemate, claiming they would have ravished any new male housemate……..with muscles.

It would seem though that is it Sylvia who is attracted to the single dad who she originally met in the auditions. (This is being kept secret which is keeping the HMs in the land of paranoia). She’s sharing a bed, giggles like a schoolgirl and turns to mush when ‘he’ walks in the door but she is not admitting to fancying anyone – At least to the boys. When you say “I’m not going to be able to help myself” to Jen though, it is blatantly obvious you fancy the pants off this man.

Sylvia was also most aggrieved later put out when Rex, Dale and Mo said Stuart was ugly. Sylvia has turned into Alex mark II without the gangster connotations and told Mohamed he needed to take a look in the mirror. Sylvia chilled out with a late night bath but she has forgotten one important factor – SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND.

Totally odd scenario when she was in bed with him and wanting a hug which her throwing herself at him basically – She’s a whore.

Today, she's upped the pace and because she knows a little about him, she's enjoying his game. Is she playing too? I don't know with her but she told Bex,"He's just trying to spice things up in here," "That's how he is. He just causes trouble - that's what he does. Expect the unexpected with him."
"He seems like a nice guy though,"
Bex replied.
"He is a nice guy - that's what I've been trying to tell you all this time," Sylvia jumped in; "He's not a malicious kind of person, he's just trying to spice things up. Spice it up!"
All the flirting must have worn her out as her next comment was, "I feel so lethargic."

Dennis who must had been hiding in the corner then announced he was having a bath which gave Sylvia ammunition for further conversation.
"You're having a bath?" "Let's see now what people would say if I had a bath with you, Dennis!"
Bex asked.
"Because last night I had a bath with Stu," Sylvia boasted "and everyone was looking at me."
Do you get her game now? She's trying every tactic from being the house bitch to being the house bike hoping one will work for her - What do you think? Comments welcome.

Jen said Stuart was not her type but as they were both single parents they would have something in common. Yeah so you have thought enough about him so why at some point, has she has decided to make it clear to Dale that they are only friends? After hearing that Luke had told Rex who had told Stuart that all the girls were taken (does that make sense?) Jen is a clever game player and is worried that Jo Public will jump to the same conclusion that her fellow housemates have and she’s going to be considered another Channelle (Nope, I actually think you have one more brain cell than Channelle however it is just the one).
BUT what I want to know is did she tell him about the ‘friends’ bit before or after she said, “You better get my number”.
Jen told Dale this last night while in a cute embrace before they went off to the bathroom for a heart to heart about Dales’ insecurities. The reassurances of him being the eye candy will have fallen on deaf ears now Stuart is there. Jen is playing the game and seeing how badly Sylvia is doing, Jen could be in with a chance – Unless he prefers him scatty Welsh ex Miss Wales cheats?

More post Stuart news; after the Rex suggestion that the crowd noise was fake; some housemates have decided that there’s more going on. Lisa, who saw Jen and Dennis being called to the Diary Room, was left her wondering if they were in on the plot too. Then, Bex seemed surprised because Stuart knew her name and tried to explain it by suggesting he could be Jennifer's ex-boyfriend. Ah he’s a wag with his jokes!

So let us see what happens with Sylvia’s game – she’s hardly subtle but it makes good viewing.

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