Wednesday 18 June 2008

Alex - Kicked Out and Kicked Off

Her intimidating behaviour has finally got her removed from the house.

Alexandra De-Gale has been booted out of the Big Brother House for repeatedly breaking the programme's rules on conduct by behaving in an unacceptable and sometimes intimidating manner towards fellow housemates. (Straight from the Channel 4 Website)

Alex has been in repeated heated 'discussions' with housemates where she puts them down and treats them like dirt. I have had some admiration for Alex but that side of her - The ugly side is just that. The final straw came just after 10.15pm last yesterday evening 17th June, after another row this time with Darnell, other HMs were nearby and could hear everything.
Alex was discussing nominations and apparently intimidatory comments about her intentions on leaving the House were heard. Shortly afterwards, Dennis, Rebecca and Rex discussed these comments in the garden and were clear that they found her behaviour to be threatening, and Rex took this opinion to the Diary Room where he discussed it with Big Brother.

Alex has been in constant argument and has admitted that she likes to make people feel small and threatened. She has been called to the diary room twice and reminded of the rules governing behaviour towards other housemates but she doesn't care. She's hypocritical about her supposedly Muslim religion and acts disgracefully. She is also two faced and her behaviour had got beyond a joke.

Her latest remarks were not screened via the 'as live' streaming on E4 but were reported up to senior production staff. In consultation with executives at Channel 4 the decision was taken to remove Alex from the house on the grounds that she had repeatedly broken the programme's rules governing housemate behaviour, despite twice being reminded of her responsibilities.
Alex was called to the Diary Room at approximately 8pm on Wednesday 18th June to be informed of the decision and was removed from the House without further contact with other contestants. The remaining housemates were informed of Big Brother's decision at approximately 9.15pm - Were they that stupid they had not realised she had not come out of the Diary Room?

Angela Jain, Head of E4 and Big Brother at Channel 4, said: "Alex has said her comments were not intended seriously and has apologised, but those comments will be widely interpreted as having been intended to intimidate. Big Brother has very clear rules about housemates conduct and that kind of behaviour is simply not acceptable.
Other housemates have said they found her comments to be threatening and we believe that is a reasonable conclusion for them to have reached given the way Alex has behaved previously. She had already been spoken to twice about her behaviour and, like all housemates, was clearly informed before entering the house that she faced eviction if she acted in an unacceptable manner."

Shut the door on your way out you foul mouth slapper.

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